"The old families of Virginia will form connections with low people, and sink into the mass of overseers' sons and daughters".
- John Randolph of Roanoke

The following is a transcript written by Robert E. Lee which appeared in the Charlotte Gazette – September 16, 1937
Headquarters Army No. Va., June 26, 1864
Sri: - The enemy has been quiet today on our front. A dispatch dated 25th was received this morning from Captain Farinholt commanding at Staunton River bridge expressing his confidence of being able to protect it.
This afternoon, General W. H. F. Lee reports that he attacked the enemy near Staunton River Bridge yesterday and drove him until dark. He also states that the enemy was signally repulsed at the bridge the same evening and re-treated this morning, leaving about thirty of his dead on the field.
Very respectfully your obedient servant;
(Signed) ROBERT E. LEE, General
Words: 94
Submitter: The Committee
Source: Charlotte Gazette – September 16, 1937
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